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Benchmark 5
Exhibit: Prom Picture
Skills: TC101:  Understand the Cultural traditions of others and TC105: Express one's point of view in a teamwork setting


In the 2012 to 2013 school year, we had quite a few foreign exchange students.  As the year progressed and prom drew ever closer, I even asked a foreign exchange student to be my date.  Her name was Katrin and she was from Germany.  My prom date and I would not be alone as we would eat dinner and such with a group of friends.   Prom would be fun as it was my first formal experience excluding direct parent interaction.  I was extremely excited to attend.


As my date was from Germany and not the United States, I was able to (TC101) understand the cultural traditions of others.  As we drove around places, ate dinner together, and attended the event, we engaged into conversation.  I learned that Katrin did not have such a thing as prom in Germany.  She did not even have high school dances.  As we talked more, I learned that she loved the United States much and did not want to leave.  She enjoyed how welcoming we were to her.  The main thing I learned about her culture is that it really is not much different from our own culture in the United States.  Germany is very much like the United States.  It was very fun to know someone from a different country.


Eventually, I hope to gain a career in engineering.  There is a high chance that I will meet with people from different cultures and different countries.  It will be important for me to interact with them and welcome them in a positive way.  They may be other engineers that I must learn to work with.  I will not see any problem with this in the future and I now know how to work with them.

In my personal life, I will meet people of foreign cultural traditions possibly just as friends.  Just like at prom, Katrin was my friend and if I meet such a person again, I will give them a warm welcome.  The world is a much smaller place than we sometimes realize, so it is very important that we all get along.


Surprisingly, one of the hardest things to do in all of prom was to plan what our group was doing.  We needed to pick a place for pictures, choose a place to eat, and arrange transportation.  It was a lot harder than it sounds and it was important for me to (TC105) express one’s point of view in a teamwork setting.  Although it is not what you usually think of as a team, it required a lot of coordination, planning, and working together to get this thing to work.  Each person had a part to play.  The first problem was picking a restaurant.  The group originally wanted to eat in Jonesville.  I interjected reasoning that it was too far away from our primary destination, the actual site of prom, and would require us to travel extra distance from our picture locations, Ella Sharp Park and the Dalhem Center.  I reasoned that doing so would leave us very little time to do everything on time.  It would also be inefficient and a waste of gasoline adding to our expense.  After lots of persuasion, I was able to propose an alternative plan of eating in town.  I made the reservations and everyone became happy.


When I get a job as an engineer, it will be important that I express my opinion on important subjects such as with certain designs on whether they will work or not.  It will be of utmost importance for me to speak up if I do not believe something will work.  It will keep everything running smoothly.


In my personal life, it is important to speak up whenever I see a potential danger.  For example, if my friends want to do something that I believe will endanger them, it is important I express my opinion or they could get hurt.  Viewpoints are important in any decision making process to help find the best solutions in almost any situation.

Exhibit: Marching Chart
Skills: TC109:  Make and/or follow a set of rules and procedures and TC110: Help other team members accomplish their tasks


For the four years that I have been in marching band, I have been a rank leader for two of those years.  I have marched with two different instruments (valve-trombone and trumpet).  Marching is one of the most difficult and complex forms of multi-tasking.  Everything must be done right.  Everyone must land on the right foot at the right time, remain in lines, go into formation, span exactly 22.5 inch steps each time, and all while playing a musical instrument.  The precision and accuracy involved forces you to adapt to teamwork and communication skills.


It is for this reason that it is of utmost importance to (TC109) Make and/or follow a set of rules or procedures.  Marching band is all about following a set procedure. Each person is given a chart with their positions on the football field.  Each page of the chart marks the next position he or she is to move to.  It is important to follow this chart to every single position on the field at the right time.  If you lack attention to any of the details, it could end in a disaster for the entire marching band.  Following the charts is only half of it; in certain cases, the students are allowed to write the charts.  Every so often, we make our own marching scheme or a “dance.”  We are required to make our own steps that others will follow and it must be done in an orderly way.  It is important here to make wise decisions as they will affect everyone.


After I graduate college and enter my career in the engineering field, it will be very important to follow procedures.  My job will require safety guidelines that must be met.  It will be important to meet these safety standards because it is required by law and keeps people from getting hurt.  I may have to follow procedures that my employers set also.  It is important to do my part.


In my personal life, making and following procedures will just be important for simple tasks.  Whether it’s reading the directions in a cookbook or obeying the speed limit on the road, these skills must be used in the simplest of forms.  Making schedules for myself and carrying them out will also be important so I can stay organized.

Skills: TC104: Listen to different group members and ask relevant questions and TC112: Request support or help from others when needed


My sophomore year, I took a class called Principles of Engineering or P.O.E.  One of our main projects was to design, build, and program a device that sorted marbles.  Each person was given a partner to work with.  The project consisted of a month of grueling and tedious planning, constructing, and testing.  There was no project manual or directions.  Everything was done from scratch.


Because everything was built without any direction, listening to your partner’s ideas was of utmost importance.  It also paid to take advice from other groups.  It was important to (TC104) Listen to different group members and ask relevant questions.  First, we each came up with our own idea.  We would then examine each other’s design and point out any flaws in it.  Eventually, we would take the strongest points from both designs to make our master plan.  We would also trade ideas and tips with the other groups.  Eventually, we finished the project with near perfection.


When I become an engineer, it will be important to work with other group members to come up with the most efficient plan.  It will pay to find flaws and work side by side asking questions along the way.  As an engineer, it is essential to my career that I work with other people efficiently and it starts by asking questions.


In my personal life, it will be important to listen to different members of your family and friend group.  Communication helps keep any relationship alive and listening to others will keep your friends from leaving you out and it will keep your family from leaving you.  Most problems occur when communication breaks down.


There were also times during the marble sorter project when neither your partner nor other groups could assist you.  In these cases it was important to know when to (TC112) request support or help from others when needed.  In those times, we resorted to asking the teacher, Mr. Green, for assistance.  Although most of the project was supposed to be done without help, it was important to realize Mr. Green as an asset.  Mr. Green would help us with the tasks that seemed impossible.  When your program seemed like an endless maze, he would introduce subprograms.  Even though he was our savior in a lot of cases, it was also important not to use him too much and figure out things on your own.


When I become an engineer, I will not start out with a lot of experience.  I will need to request the support of senior engineers.  But it is also important to figure things out on my own and not ask them for help on everything.  I’ll need to use my judgment wisely to know when I actually need the assistance.


In my personal life, I will encounter many tasks of which I cannot complete myself.  I will need to request the help from others whether it is friends or private contractors.  I will need to ask the appropriate questions and find the right people.  Whether it is work or my personal life, I will always need help from other people in some form or another.


Teamwork & Communication

Exhibit: Cross Country Achievements
Skills: TC108:  Show commitment to the team and TC107: Understand and Contribute to the missions and goals of the team


For four years, I have participated in Cross Country.  Cross Country involves running a five kilometer race.  The top seven runners form the varsity team and the top five runners score.  Running itself requires lots of hard work, endurance, and dedication in both the off season and during season.  We run multiple meets across Michigan some of which we have to wake up very early.


Our cross country team has always been high achieving.  For this reason, we have always had high expectations.  That is why it is important for me to (TC107) Understand and Contribute to the mission and goals of the team.  The goals of the team were always very straightforward but very difficult to carry them out.  In order to achieve those goals, we each had the individual job of pushing other team members to go faster.  It always worked well for us.  If one person went faster, it would start a chain reaction where everyone starts going faster. In high intensity races, such as the dual meet vs. Napoleon, it was essential to finish the race in a certain place in order to score and win the meet.  I always contributed by either being a scorer, a pusher, or simply having a positive attitude to promote the good mental health of the team.


When I eventually get a job working in the engineering field, it will be important to know the goals of the company I’m working for and my specific job to help our company achieve those goals.  Even though we will have different tasks, we will all be working toward the same goal.  Because of my experiences working with my cross country team, this will be completed much easier.


In my personal life, there is a high chance that I will eventually have a family of my own and I will need to contribute to family goals.  Although those goals will be very different from cross country, the concept of setting them and understanding them will still be there.  It is important to do my part in any team situation.


Cross Country is one of the most physically demanding sports.  For this reason, it is important in cross country to (TC108) Show commitment to the team.  Training starts in the off season, the middle of the summer where the day begins at 5:00 A.M.  You lie in bed wanting nothing more than to sleep, all you want is five more minutes, but you know you must get up.  You stumble out of bed; every muscle in your body aching from the previous day’s run.  You walk outside expecting the cool morning air but are shocked to realize humidity is nearly 90% and the temperature touches near ninety-five degrees.  Your foot hits the payment, the sweat rolls down your face, and all you have to keep company is your heart beating like a drum.  It hurts, your side stitches, the sweat burns your eyes, your mouth feels dryer than a desert, but you still have ten miles to go.  But what keeps you going is the knowledge that your team needs you to do your part.  You ask yourself, “How bad do you want to be good?”


When I enter the workforce, it will be very important for me to show commitment to my job.  It will be important for me to put in the extra effort.  This will in turn advance me in my career quickly and my employers will appreciate this, too.


In my personal life, I will need to show commitment to my friends and family.  It will be important for me to show up on time to social events.  My friends will respect me more if I show that I enjoy their company.


Cross Country has helped me demonstrate many teamwork skills that will benefit me in my personal life and career.  They are lessons that will last a lifetime.  My time on the cross country team has been the golden days of my life and full of learning experiences.

Exhibit: 4-H Pictures
Skills: TC106: Give and accept feedback in a positive way and TC111: Serve as a leader in your own area of expertise


I have been in 4-H for eleven years of my life.  During four of those years, I have served as our 4-H club president.  Each year I show and sell a variety of animals and exhibits at the Jackson County Fair.  These range from goats, rabbits, poultry, and swine to photo and agricultural exhibits.  Even though you only show your animals for that one week of fair, care for them lasts the whole year requiring lots of responsibility.  Each year of fair is another year to make a profit and win awards.


Part of 4-H in fair is showing animals and being judged on how well you show them.  This is called showmanship.  It is important to listen to the judges on areas you can improve in or (TC106) Give and accept feedback in a positive way.  The judges usually start by pointing out your strong points of showmanship.  For example, in rabbit showmanship, the judge praised me for answering all the questions right but then pointed out that if I wish to improve, I should go through the steps slower.  This is a good way of accepting constructive criticism or feedback in a positive way.


Eventually, I’ll enter a career where I will be the youngest most inexperienced person there.  I must look up to the senior members of the workforce to inform me of what I do correctly and what I can improve on.  Starting anything new job is difficult at first but gets easier with practice.  Feedback from co-workers will be very helpful to listen to in the long run.


In my personal life, I will need to accept feedback from the family and friends I plan on having.  My family will warn me of bad habits I may be doing without knowing it and my friends can advise me on certain issues.  No matter where I go, accepting feedback from others is important.


As a leader in 4-H, I usually assist the younger 4-H members with learning the ropes.  I teach them how to care for and how to show animals.  As a senior member, it is important for me to (TC111) Serve as a leader in my own area of expertise.  I have been in 4-H for such a length of time that my experience has made be somewhat of an expert in the field.  Even other senior members look to me for advice.  I make sure everyone knows what shows they’re in and I make sure they feel prepared to show.  In 2011, we had a pair of new 4-H members.  They were what I would call clueless on most aspects of showmanship so I shared my knowledge with them to shape them up for showmanship.  One of the new 4-H members even received a first place in her novice class.  She went from having little to no idea of what to do to becoming a contender in showmanship.


When I enter the workforce as a mechanical engineer, I probably won’t have to help my co-workers learn the basics of rabbit showmanship but I may have to assist another engineer outside the works of the mechanical field.  I might have to work with other engineers specializing in certain fields who return the favor to me.  A chemical engineer may know a lot about chemicals but one might not know as much about the mechanical side of engineering.  I will need to serve my company to best of my expertise.


In my personal life, I may need to share my advice and expertise with my friends.  I will encounter many who do not have some of the same knowledge that I have and I may need to point things out to them and show them the ropes.  I believe it is important to lead others in your own area of expertise.  It is these skills that will benefit me greatly in my future.

Exhibit: Government House Chart
Skills: TC102: Seek to understand different points of view and TC103: Anticipate the impact of actions or words on others


In Government class, we made a mock form of the federal government.  In this mock form of government we had a Legislature and an Executive Branch run by the students.  We would elect a president and the majority party would elect a house speaker.  Everyone else was either a Republican or Democratic House Representative.  I was elected to the position of the House Speaker.  We would be attempting to pass two bills.  One concerned raising the minimum wage and the other concerned a budget plan.  It was a very fun class assignment.


Because you were trying to figure out each person’s position on the matters, it was important to (TC102) Seek to understand different points of view.  We broke up into committees and discussed our points of view on the topic.  We debated a little bit trying up to come up with a valid solution to the problem.  After the committee, we presented our findings to the rest of the class and made amendments to the bill from there.  It was particularly difficult to gain support from everyone, but it was important to realize whose votes you could count on.


When I enter the engineering job field, it will be important for me to seek the different points of view on work matters.  If one person believes a certain design will work and another doesn’t, it will be important to know their separate viewpoints.  You then need to weigh whether their view has any depth to it and actually consider it as a possibility.


In my personal life, it is important to understand other viewpoints as to know why people may feel certain ways about certain issues.  You need to be careful not to offend anyone.  Understanding where people get their viewpoints is just part of the process of teamwork and communication.


Because people often times come from different backgrounds, you don’t want to offend them.  It is important to (TC103) anticipate the impact of actions or words on others.  The whole goal of the mock congress is to gain votes, so you have to be careful what you say.  Reasoning verses attacking worked a lot better to come to an agreement.  Words are very powerful, especially in government.  If you did disagree with someone and you wanted to show it, you used a clever euphemism instead of being blunt about it.


When I someday take up a career in engineering, it will be important to watch what I say.  I am entitled to my opinion, but I can’t be rude.  If I don’t watch what I say, I could end up losing my job.  You never know when someone might take offense.  Thus, anticipating how people react to your words in the workforce is important.


Personal life is not much different from work life.  If you say the wrong things, it could start fights.  I personally would rather have people like me so I will be careful as to what I have to say.  If you want to keep your friends and family close to you, watch what you say or do.  Words are powerful.

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